Welcome to the 1st International Symposium on Advances in Artificial Intelligence (ISAAI 2024)

The conference committee of ISAAI 2024 cordially invites you to participate in this premier event, scheduled to take place on December 7-8, 2024, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Proudly technically sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society, ISAAI serves as a vital platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research, technological advancements, and practical applications in the field of Artificial Intelligence Methods and Technologies.

ISAAI 2024 offers an exceptional opportunity for researchers and industry experts to engage in fruitful exchanges of ideas, fostering collaboration and innovation. In addition to traditional face-to-face participation, the conference will also feature a hybrid mode, facilitating both in-person and virtual attendance to accommodate diverse preferences and circumstances. With a strong organizing team, a solid reputation, and extensive sponsorship from around the globe, ISAAI promises to be a rewarding experience for all participants.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed keynote speakers, conference members, and all contributors for their valuable technical insights and unwavering support

We eagerly anticipate your presence at ISAAI 2024 in the vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.